Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Start

                                              Hello My Dark & Different Readers 

 Monster Obsession is part 2 of the Monster Temptation books (I talked about the first book already) and this is the best story from the 2 books. This is where you really get to know and meet the monsters that Blake learns to love. You have Steel who is passive, Creed the king is arrogant, Seven has split personalities which you will meet in the book. Tempest is angry and wants to destroy things, Ash is a sweetheart the kind of boyfriend every woman would want. These are monsters have different shapes and form. Some a creepy looking and some of them are downright ugly looking. When Blake sees the monsters for the first time they are in their human form. That of handsome well build sexy men.  The story is good it tells of what happens when Blake lives in monster kingdom. The monsters she meets and the adventures and situations she and the monsters have to deal with.  It also tells the monsters individual stories of why they are the way they are.  You will laugh and fall in love with these monsters. But there is a lot of sex going on fair warning.  Also, you have a sweetness about this group you will enjoy. If you're into monster love.

Like I said before this book got me hooked on reading about the strange and different kind of love that a person can have or enjoy reading anyway.

Side Note I liked Blake's character but sometimes she got on my last nerve being so naïve about things.

                                           Happy Dark & Different Reading



Thursday, April 25, 2024

Monster Love

                                                             Hello My Dark Readers

This is the one right here that started me on my dark path to loving monster and things that are unusual to say the least. Monster Temptation is about a women named Blake who put's into a mental hospital all because she saw something she shouldn't have. Her father the governor wants to keep her quite about what she saw  him doing and with who he's doing it with. He puts her in a mental hospital where she meets Dr. Steele who she comes to rely on.  You don't really get to the monsters until you have the second book which is Monster Obsession. This first book by C.R. Jane & Mila Young just deals with Blake being in the institution and the things she has to deal with while being there. Toward the end of the book, you will meet Creed who's an Alpha monster and is king of his village. This is the story that got me hooked on Monster Love. Making me what a love monster myself. In the book  two you will meet all of her monsters like Creed, Seven, Ash, Tempest and you will find out who Steele really is. It's a good story and I will be reviewing part two of this book. where the story really gets good because this one leaves you on a cliff. Warning it contains a lot of sex, with more than one partner at a time. It's a good story will keep you reading but part two of the story in my opinion is better then part one of this story .   

                                                       Happy Dark Reading




Wednesday, April 24, 2024


  Welcome to my Blog . My name is Goodie and I just got into reading stories about Dark romance. I will admit some of the stories I have read had me questioning how is he doing that and some have me saying I want a man like that? This blog is about sharing some of the crazy good and weird romance books that I have read.  If you're like me and enjoy good stories that are not normal. Then this the place for that. It will be my pleasure to bring to you all the crazy stuff in romance that I have read. So, thank you for being here and Let the Dark Begin....

This One Got Me

   Hello, My Dark & Different Readers. This book got me, and I will tell you why. Right here                                          ...