Sunday, May 26, 2024

Review Time

  Hello My Dark & Different Readers. Today I am reviewing My Minotuar Husband by Lyone Riley. This book is what you would call a different kind of love story. It's funny, cute and you can say the partners in this one are way different then what we would expect our partner to look like. Here's my review and thoughts on this book

Warning if you are against monster, bedroom toys, actives that are not what you call normal then don't read this book but for all you other Dark & Different readers this one for you.


                                                       Happy Dark & Different Reading


Thursday, May 16, 2024

Not Interested

                                      Hello My Dark* Different Readers

Today we are talking about the book Prist by Sierra Simone that was a best seller on Tick-Tock it also had good reviews on Amazon. Well I tried to read this book and I failed. First the story is about a priest named Tyler and a women named Poppy. The priest resides over a small church is small town U.S. A where he comes in contact with a beautiful women name Poppy. Mind you this Prist is only 28-29 years old and he started to have feelings for her. He has inner battles of what's right and wrong regarding his thoughts and emotions because he's a priest and took the vow of celibacy. this book reminded me of the movie the Thorn birds almost had that same kind of theme. Anyway, I got maybe to chapter 5 or 6 and just couldn't read it anymore. Not because the relationship with the Prist and Poppy. I have read another book II will share with you along the same lines as this one.  It was much better read than this one.( my own personal opinion of course) I just couldn't get into the charterers like I normally do. Not saying the books not good it's dark, erotic, forbidden but just not my cup of tea. If you have read the book share your thoughts on it. I could be missing out on something good that would make me give it another chance. 

                                             Happy Dark *Different Reading


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Married To A Lich

 My Dark & Different Readers so what are you reading today? I am reviewing just for you something that caught my attention just by the cover. Married to a Lich By Layla Fae. I will be honest I was curious how that would work out between the two of them in the bedroom. And I will say the author did a good job had me convinced. Here's my full  review on the books right here at 


Enjoy the review and read the book it's not so much dark but very different and a good story had me rooting for the two of them in away.

                                                   Happy Dark Reading Day


This One Got Me

   Hello, My Dark & Different Readers. This book got me, and I will tell you why. Right here                                          ...