Saturday, July 27, 2024

Review Time

                                            Hello My Dark & Different Readers

I have a Review of the book  Ice Planet Barbarian by Ruby Dixion for you today. This story is in the strange category. It's a cute love story with aliens. The spicy stuff in this book is pretty hot so be warned. Story over all is cute and additive. Here are some of my thoughts on this strange book


                                           Happy Strange & Different Reading

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Just Not Me

                                                            Hello My Dark & Different Readers

Happy Sunday. I wanted to know if you have read this book Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver? I waited on this book for a month to get it from the library. The reviews were so high on it. When I got It I couldn't read it. It was not holding my interest. The story is about two serial killers  Sloane & Rowan who kill other serial killers almost like a Dexter sort of thing.  They have a yearly contest to see who can hunt down a certain serial killer that was chosen for them.  Needless to say that they both have feeling for each other and it takes a while for them to show it. It was just too sappy for me and the killing that they did was not that interesting. So I had to return the book couldn't get pass chapter 10 in this one. I could be wrong about this book. So if you read it let me know your thoughts.  I might give it another chance later on. 

                                             Happy Dark & Different Reading 


Monday, July 8, 2024

Monster Romance Or Stalker?

                                            Hello My Dark & Different Readers

Happy Dark & Different July. Well, here's my question to you if you had to choose which  do you prefer reading a dark stalker romance book or a monster love story? I prefer the monster love story because with monsters you never know what you're getting in the bedroom department . With Staker romance it's basically about over dominant males that are on the crazy side. But the bedroom stuff is basically all the same give or take a few things. With a monster romance it's like you never know what 's going to happen and how they are going to interact because they are so very different.  I like reading both  but my interest really is in the dark monster stuff. It's just different to me what do you think? 
                                            Happy Dark & Different Reading


This One Got Me

   Hello, My Dark & Different Readers. This book got me, and I will tell you why. Right here                                          ...